- monitor
- keyboard
- mouse pad
- mouse
- speakers
- softlips chapstick
- 3 picks ( 2 green-one of them with smiley face stickers on one side, 1 black)
- 2 containers of vitamins ( 1 animal shapes that tastes rather sour, 1 Nickelodeon themed)
- sticky notes
- index cards with mariah's old vocabulary words
- Pizza Hut seasoning packet
- keychain clip
- 2 sets of fingernail clippers ( 1 working better than the other)
- 2 pocket knives ( 1 large, 1 small)
- white heart bead bracelet
- dental floss
- 2 lip glosses ( 1 mint, 1 vanilla)
- Puss in Boots marker that I got from a cereal box
- pomegranate hand sanitizer
- yellow kazoo
- 2 tickets to Legends in Concert at Surf Side Beach
- a tape dispenser
- my old locker lock
- a round hairbrush
- assorted paperclips,tacks, and rubber bands
- assorted pens, pencils and markers
- scissors
- assorted cd's
- blank cd's that look like records that my mom bought me
- 2 GB stick drive
- 2 pieces of paper bearing the chords to Precious Time by The Maccabees
- picture frame
- mask
- 2 candles (1 purple, 1 yellow)
- index cards
- video camera
The point of that? None.
Thats pretty epic right there. I remember the puss in boots marker. Now I want to see your desk because I hardly remember any of that stuff.
ReplyDeleteThat's a lot of stuff! But I liked this blog for some reason hah.
ReplyDeletethis comment has almost nothing to do with this particular post even though I did read it, but Right as I read the title at the top(somethingtosay) it corresponded completely to the lyrics to the song i was listening to... Mind=blown.