Oh it is so cold in my house! I hate it. But, oh well. I'm hoping to start blogging again during December just because it's such an exciting month. Also hectic and full of activity, so we'll just see how this goes.
Today I've been in a crazy good mood. I blamed this upon the fact that I was slightly sleep deprived and school was a shock to my system, but it's 3:00 and I haven't crashed yet. So maybe I am in just an insanely good mood. Not a huge surprise though. The break was pretty fantastic for me. (I wish I had a mic to transfer my speaking to writing because typing isn't that easy and my fingers are slower than my mind.) Uhm, what was I talking about? Oh, good mood. Right. I dunno from whence it came, this good mood front, but I hope it stays.
I don't want to complain about how I have to do a service project for Civics. So right here _____________ is me not complaining.
I was thinking about typing up everything I eat during the day in some of these posts. But, actually since I'm at school most of the day I eat significantly less. I mean, over the holiday, especially since it was Thanksgiving, I ate SO much. Like, a comical amount of food. I sat there one night, chewing, thinking to myself, "Why am I still hungry? Just 2 hours ago I ate a whole Thanksgiving meal. What the hey." But, in retrospect maybe you don't actually wanna hear about my food journey. Just thinking out loud.
This weekend is my lovely friend Lole's 16th birthday! He happens to be 15 days older than me, that geezer. I'm excited and I hope we get to do something lovely and that he likes my present and what not. Happy Birthday Lole. Really. Happiness. For you. On the day of your birth. -thrusts happiness at you- There. Man, 16. It seems crazy, doesn't it? Little me-little you- turning 16. Maybe it isn't as big a deal as I feel like it is. But wow..2 years away from being an adult and past the point of being so close to childhood. It's kind of awesome and feels so new and sudden and unexpected. Let's enjoy it.
Totally stole the format of this particular post from Jeremy C. So, a shout out to him. I enjoy it. Though I know I'm being very random the separation keeps me feeling more sane about it. "These are separate ideas, see? This post makes sense!" I wish I was eloquent or exciting in my blogs. Or just something other than a mess of words and whatever is on my mind.
Is tomorrow the Glee finale for this season? EXCITING!
Something the Voldemort I follow on twitter posted which only vaguely relates to this topic. Who else follows him? Andrew?
I wanna see HP again. And read HP again. And fall in love with HP again.
All my love, Mik.