Today had overall been a very fantastic and restful day. I woke up and went to a great Sunday at church. Then, spent time with the lovely Miss Chessa at Starbucks. After I got home I worked on my play review (unfinished at the moment but not as hard as I thought it would be. I just kind of have to be a sarcastic jerk about small things. ;p) By the time I got home from the choir cantada tonight it was snowing. Lovely lovely lovely.
I don't wanna write this. How awful is that? But I'm looking forward to:
1.more snow
2.improv night
3. Goldilocks this week!
4. birthday dinner
5. family weekend
6. thursday before christmas with leah and friends
7. christmas itself
oohhhhhh i like #6 the bestest. but the other ones are really good too(;