Thursday, January 27, 2011
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Reflections on a Car Crash
And a smoking bullet.
Line up one and all.
Stay orderly in line,
Peeking over shoulders and out from behind skirt tails.
Line! Line!
The leaders and followers.
Come one,
Come all.
See the dying,
the downfall.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
But other than that. Everything is beautiful, coming up roses, just a dash of sugar and a strawberry shake. Ish. I mean, it is, except I feel like I owe a lot of things to a lot of people recently. A lot of things. So many things. And I wonder if those people would even care if I did give them what I feel like they deserve. If they ever think about what I deserve. As a person. But I'm never one to complain. Hm, let's give it a week. Let's stop complaining till then. It'll all be over soon. I'm going under.
Monday, January 17, 2011
His mind was quiet, but he knew it was a ruse. All the thoughts, the important ones, were bubbling angrily just below the surface. They threatened to overtake him. Hunched, staring at the ground. He exhaled thoroughly and ran his fingers through his wet hair. Sat back against the cold metal bench. Tears swelled in his eyes and he bit his tongue to fight them back. The running did nothing for him. He would only have to return. Plus, he had no idea where he was now. He pressed his palms to his burning eyes and let the rain follow the curves of his arms down his back. What now? he thought.
Hm. What now? Back to studying for exams.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Who are your favorite people in the world and why?
My favorite people in the world are those who make me better just for knowing them or having known them. Those with beautiful qualities, like great senses of humor, passion, caring hearts. Those who care for me and make me want more for myself. There have been so many of these people in my life that it would be hard to choose. Just know that those who are my favorite are people I meet every single day. The list continues to be added to daily.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
which do you like better- hot or cold?
I think on a snap decision I'd say hot. But as these snow days have reminded me, cold isn't so bad. When it's cold you can snuggle up to a friend, or a warm blanket. You can read and feel the chill outside. You get rosy cheeks and your breath is brought to life. The cold means ice skating and ice sickles and little individual snowflakes that are extremely beautiful. Cold can bring people together, and too much hot can drive people away. Make them a little crazy or sick. Cold is clean and bright. Hot is like burning passion and carefree summers.there is no such thing as a carefree winter. So, the cold makes me want warmth and warmth makes me want the cold. It's a toss up. I cannot decide.
Monday, January 10, 2011
Straight Up
Now at one point on this blog I really wanted to write a post about being frank and honest and I guess now is as good a time as any. But it's more about relationships than just general life. Once I wrote a little something that went:
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Monday, January 3, 2011
Day 7
1. Disrespect.
If you are disrespecting your parents, your siblings, your dog, your teacher, other people's property, the general public, or yourself, then how are you supposed to respect me?
2. Alchol/Drugs.
Pretty self explanitory. Stuff just doesn't fly with me. You need to be in control of who you are and what you are doing. Otherwise, you can't be trusted.
3. No sense of humor.
I need a laugh or a smile in the worst of times. And even on the better days I need someone who can keep up with my jokes or train of thought.
4. Immaturity.
Grow up a little. Don't put aside every pure and wonderfully childish notion, but act your age and don't constantly be asking me what I mean. Don't laugh at the serious and important things.
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Happy New Year
And my eyes tired but not willing to close
So much fear