Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Reflection Upon A Breadbowl Pasta

(No, not really but wanting)
(While making cookies)
(Well,riding in the car)
(Smelling the lusciousness)
(Of my mom's pizza)
(Of the pasta)
(At the wondrous taste)
(At an overfull belly)
(Of eating what I didn't finish tomorrow for lunch)

Haha. Thanks to those reading, welcome back to somethingtosay. I'm glad you tuned in for tonight's edition. I'm your host, Mikaella, and boy do I have some news for you. I'm happy again. Whereas if I had posted anything yesterday it would have been downydowny down. This afternoon I worked on my art project and got it to my liking!!!, read Goldilocks (our Theatre II children's show) in the bathtub, and have been hanging out with my mom. I didn't feel up to going to church and being around noise and other people. My face is breaking out and I feel like a homebody. That's what the weather has done to me. (At least the homebody part. The face thing, most likely my own doing.) Today I said to myself, "Self, the weather will continue to change for as long as you are alive. Eventually, you are going to have to learn to suck it up, put on a couple more layers, and stop telling everyone how cold you are." And yet, as it has happened for years, it isn't even Winter yet, but still I feel the need to hibernate for a couple months. Yikes. Perhaps the figurative and literal warmth of my loving friends will be enough incentive to brave the elements. Oh, that, and the fact that school is mandatory.

Notes- I stole your colors and I hope it's okay.
-You better be writing my letter, ponkkkk. ;D

And to the rest, my love and humble servitude always.

XOX Mikaella


  1. Breadbowls are incredible.
    You can steal my colors anytime hun. I love reading blogs with color!
    I want to hibernate too, except for the part about corking your butt so you don't poo, that just sounds terrible. Those bears, they sure do commit.
    I hate the cold.
    Was goldilocks good?
    I'm glad your art pleases you! I'm sure it looks fantastic!

    I love you. :)

  2. Nom Nom Nom.
    I've never had a breadbowl pasta thing, but it sounds delish!
    I, too, like to hibernate in the winter. It's only fall, but it feels like winter in the mornings.
    Did you like Goldilocks? Let's hope it's a good, fun play! It looks like it will be.
    This is all out of order.
    Congrats on your pretty artwork!
    I fed your fishies. You're welcome.


Hey there,