Thursday, December 2, 2010


Good morning little box. Nice to see you again, and type into you. (I half expected words to reply to me like Tom Riddle's diary.) I can barely type now because I'm holding my cat. She probably won't like it when I come home later smelling like a bunch of cats. So, yeah, going to Kitty City tonight and I conned Lole into coming too so I won't be all alone and sad and working. YAY, LOLE! I drank a whole travel cup of coffee so I'll be just jacked up enough to really work. I'll tell you how that goes later. I have to write a journal entry anyway.

So tomorrow the Civics classes are going on a field trip. Surprise, surprise: I'm not too excited. We all have to dress up and then spend 3 class periods wandering around the government center, interviewing people and balancing budgets. I'll go in optimistic though. I mean, I won't have to carry around a bookbag all day. Plus, it'll be a homework-less Friday! Maybe I'll be put in a group with people I like, and maybe they'll ask good questions and the officials and workers will be funny and charming with responses, maybe I'll make a new friends or two, maybe I won't have to go pee every 2 seconds. :) We'll cross our fingers.

I am gonna miss third period though. I completely love painting! My monster for our Monster Project is a semi-demonic kitty named Madamoiselle Fluffykins and I'm hoping she's adorable. Ahh, I also don't wanna get behind with that. I don't know if you can take a painting home or not. But all my other classes, I won't miss so much. Let's see in 1st period...we're working on a paper, in 2nd period we're rehearsing Goldilocks...and writing a paper, and in 4th I just got assigned an economics project where I have to make a presentation....and write a paper. Kill me now? Or...something? Oh, also! The day this volunteer project is due is also the day when we perform Goldilocks at night. Asdfghjkl; pooooooooooooooop. I dunno, one thing will be off my chest I guess, but it still seems like important things should not be together that way.

Dad is on his way home: OFF TO VOLUNTEER! AWAYYYYY!

And I did nothing.

They didn't need volunteers tonight so Lole and I just walked around and played with the cats for a little over an hour then came home. They were all really cute and I bet if I worked there regularly I would fall in love. Animals <3

Today was an overall good day. Friends, productivity, fun conversations, mutual respect, theatre, and kitties.

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