Thursday, August 6, 2009

Ahem. Will Ms.Bruce please report to the principles' office?

You know what I mean.
Missing Caitlin's blog as she is currently very tired and unable to do so. Love you!

So, at the start of this year I made a resolution to be healthier this year, as I am a teenager and do need to start thinking about what I put into my body and what not. I haven't done very well with the whole going to sleep early and waking up early side of things but I have done pretty well when it comes to drinking more water and exercising.

At the moment I have 12 Dasani bottles on my desk, all empty. Which is good! Water is good for the body and skin and I hope to keep it up as it is a fairly easy step towards health. Earlier in the summer I was doing better with the exercising while trying to shape my stomach for swimsuits.I still go for walks that turn into jogs that turn into walks and end with runs occasionally though.[=

Hopefully when the school year starts I can get into a good flow and routine. That's one thing I sort of like about school; it gives me the need to structure and organize my life.

Any music suggestions would be lovely as I'm heading for Myrtle Beach this coming week and I want to load up on some upbeat sounds for the trip. I'm going with my friend Kortni, her mother, a friend of their family and her kids. It sounds like a good time and I'm ready to get a touch up on my tan before school starts once more and spend some time with Kortni since I haven't seen her much this summer.I am a bit homesick at times for my bed and my Bay and my cell phone service.. but I'm going to try to have so much fun I won't even notice..much.

I always love to spend time in the ocean, where it's so free and open. Kind of feels like home to me. Someday, when I'm a rich and sucessful psychologist(SLASH!)writer/singer/poet/artist/actress/photographer I will build my 5 story house near the beach so I can stand out on my balcony and feel the ocean breeze and see the seaside stars shine. Nothing would make me happier. Okay, well, maybe sitting in my hot tub and seeing the seaside stars shining. (say5timesfast.idareyou.)

Anyways, lovelies, it's 12:56 and the boyfriend is in bed so I might as well get some rest myself.


  1. You are lovely and I very much enjoyed reading your blog, but it's late and I don't feel like connecting anything in it to a comment. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!

  2. Thanks for the shout out it was lovely dear! I love you too. Sounds like you have a good plan for this school year, which is good. Hope you have fun at the beach!

  3. Nice.
    We should go walking together if you still do thats. I need to stop sitting doing nothing. Time for change. As you say beach I say New York City. We can still visit each other. You will be one heck of a person to do all of those things as jobs.


Hey there,